Sunday, June 3, 2007
Here is a link to my website. Check it out and let me know what you think!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
#9 Understanding the Mind of a Web Designer
I have to say that this is the best one I have done. I wanted to try some new things, such as CSS. It was quite intense for me because I had never tried it, but once I got some tutorials behind me, I was quite happy with what I could do.
Throughout this course, I have come to a better understanding of the many opportunities we have as teachers. The web has such a vast variety of things for us to use and resources to learn from. I want to get out and teach right away because of the excitement I have for all of this stuff. The particular class I want to teach is Interactive Media. This particular course has the students learning competencies in web design, audio/video, photography, desktop publishing, and much more. This course has given me the confidence, that extra little boost needed to realize that I CAN do this. I WANT to do this.
Overall, I have a deeper understanding of all the things this course has gone over; From basic web design, images, layouts, hyperlinks, videos, podcasts, to yes even general teaching practices.
I want to take the time to thank everyone of you have posted on my blog. I have enjoyed reading all your comments. I have taken to heart every little comment, and try and continue to produce things for you to read.
I recently read a really great quote about teachers, "A teacher effects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." -Henry Adams
So as each of us embarks on our journeys as teachers and other great things, remember all of us have something to offer, everyone is a teacher in their own respect. What we offer, will continue on through eternity.
Best Wishes to All!
#8 Learning for Dummies
I re-learned lots of things and refreshed my memory. I have been uploading my website, and I could not remember how to do it FTP style through dreamweaver. I literaly pulled out the help index and started reading like crazy.
The best part about this whole website, was starting with an small idea, and then as I started to develop bits and pieces, everything just kept growing and getting bigger then I ever imagined.
I didn't have too many struggles because of my background knowledge of websites and design. So I felt pretty comfortable with everything. Most of the time I referenced my help index in my editing program. Because believe me if you do no know how to do something in your selected program, it is always best to look at the program's help section. Like the old cliche, guys don't stop for directions because guys don't get lost. Too bad, if they did, they would get to where they are going a lot faster! This can be applied to web design as well.
I have uploaded my website, I am still working on some of the kinks I found, but feel free to check it out, and let me know what you think!!!!!
Here are some links to some helpful websites I found.
I posted on Bryce and Janet's blogs.
Monday, May 21, 2007
#7 Videos
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
#6 Pod-Nation
I went on a mad craze subscribing and downloading more podcasts, then I already had subscribed too!
The following is the podcasts that I am already subscribed to or just subscribed. Hope you check them out!
1. Diggnation-- this is a weekly tech/web culture show based on my favorite website! There are lots of social bookmarking news stories, and now you can listen to them, instead of reading them!
2. Make this is an audio show hosted by Phillip Torrone. This is based on the MAKE magazine, which is a really cool and neat magazine. This magazine gives you great do-it-yourself projects.
3. Tips and Tricks Photography-- this podcast is dedicated to encourage their listeners/readers to share and explore their creative natures in photography.
1. Strong Bad -- This podcast is based on Strong Bad. He answers "real emails from real morons." Tons of hilarious stuff!
2. Happy Tree Friends--They are cute, cuddly, and absolutely horribly wrong! They are cute critters that experience are kinds of things. In the end, that cannot escape their horrible fate. THis is where you can find that twisted humor you've been looking for.
3. Vintage Tooncast -- this a podcast distributing free 30s, 40s, and 50s cartoons. These cartoons came before political correctness, so they can be offensive and seen as inappropriate in today's society.
4. Jamie's Podcast-- want to learn how to make some tast dishes? Well Jamie Oliver has all the right stuff, including good looks! Learn some great culinary tips!
5. Whole Foods Market Podcast--A variety of topics that relate to natural and organic foods--you know the stuff that is naturally good for ya
I subscribed to all my podcasts because they had some interest to me. The ones that I chose Academically/Professionally have great tips and ideas on technology. There is also a few podcasts that allow me to come up with some creative ideas when it comes time to teach my students. The podcasts that I chose personally are a form of comedic relief and also help me to learn how to cook--so my husband doesn't have to go starving!!
I found all of my podcast through the iTunes store. It is a great program that allows you to download lots of incredible podcasts.
I posted on Peg and Scott's blogs.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hope you enjoy my links!
I posted on Tia and Peg's blogs.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
#4 Fair Use -- Did I say you could use that?
Many of the licences, notably all the original licences, grant certain "baseline rights", such as the right to distribute the copyrighted work without changes, at no charge. Some of the newer licences do not grant these rights.
There are many other licensing available. Here is a list:
- Attribution (by): Permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based upon it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.
- Noncommercial or NonCommercial (nc): Permit others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based upon it only for noncommercial purposes.
- No Derivative Works or NoDerivs (nd): Permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based upon it.
- ShareAlike (sa): Permit others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work. (See also copyleft.)
Friday, April 13, 2007
#3 The Website
I am building my website for my future students. I am creating the website as an interactive media class website. My content is about the class, Webquest, Students, and About Instructor. Everything is based for my students, their teachers, and my school administrators. This is a way for the parents to keep track of anything going on in the classroom. The students can pull up their assignments at any time or look at what is coming up in their class. My administrators can see what I am doing in the class and keep track of the class.
I want the look of my website to be clean but also fun and interactive. There are a few extras I plan on adding to the website, but I want to get those done and look at them before I actually add them in. I'll give you a sneak peek at one of my design pictures
The biggest challenge that I have come across was the actual look of my website. There was a certain look I was going for. So I just kept looking at different websites and researching what I liked and what I did not like. I also found some websites that were dedicated to giving awards out to the best websites. I read some articles about what works on a website and what does not. Here are some links to some of the things that I looked at.
Cool Websites
Web Page Designers
Cool homepages
Webby Awards
I posted on Janet and Josh's blogs.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
#2 Favorite Websites
There are several websites that I go to daily.
One of them is People. This is one of my favorite websites because it is very readable. I love this website because the layout is fun, big, and organized. When you first see the website it might look chaotic. It looks as if the website is created in tables without borders. The pictures that you see on the website are usually of celebrities. When you see the picture you will instantly know what the content of that link will be. There is a nice global navigation at the top and then of course the site has links to different news stories, pictures and miscellaneous things.
My second favorite website is Digg. Digg is all about user powered content. You join what is called an online community. People in this online community will share information on different subjects. Digg is news based on anything and everything. It depends on what people have to share for that day. This website has a nice layout. There is a global navigation at the top of the website. There are also tabs to the popular stories of the day and upcoming stories. There are no graphics to the site, unless you click on one of the news story links. When you click on the links it will take you to different websites too. The thing I like about the website is that it is run by it's users and the users determine the material.
My third favorite website is the weather channel's website. This is a website I visit daily because I can look up the weather conditions at any time and it is up to date. This website has a global navigation at the top and the bottom of the website. It is very functional for the layout and is quite readable as well. The pictures are of weather maps and you can see pretty much what the weather is like. It is interesting because they will also post health details. For example, when it comes to allergy season, they will post what the allergen levels are in your particular area. The website also helps with when you are planning on traveling somewhere. They will give you up to date information so you know what it will be like.
The most important thing for me in my favorite websites is that it is readable, and I will be able to tell what the content is.
I posted on Tia and Kern's blogs.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
#1 About Me
I am a junior at Ohio State University. I am majoring in Business Education. I have been married for two years. I also work at the Upper Arlington Library. I attended Eastland Career Center. I was enrolled in the Interactive Media Program. It was here that I began my website design and love for business education.
I like to develop websites because it is a way to show your artistic ability without picking up a paintbrush. Learning how to develop and design a website, or further my learning, will benefit me, when I go to show my future students. My hope one day is for me to go back to Eastland Career Center and teach the Interactive Media Program. So by knowing how to design websites, I will be able to show my students how to. Also if they can see some example work of mine, they will know that I can do it, and will want to learn more from me.
I use the internet on a daily basis. As a full time student I am constantly checking email and the carmen website. In my work at the Upper Arlington Library, I need to be able to access the internet for our website and look up book information as well as patron information. For my personal life, I love to browse the internet. It is a vast world of information. I love to learn new things.
I have created websites using html. I prefer to use html because it seems easier for me to grasp and understand. I have used the hardcoding method with the notepad. I have also used Dreamweaver and Frontpage. I have a myspace and facebook profiles.
This week, I posted on Janet and Peg's blogs.