Sunday, April 22, 2007

#4 Fair Use -- Did I say you could use that?

In the Copyright Act, Section 107, it deals with the limitations a owner of a copyright has to reproduce or to authorize the use of the work. The most important limitation is that of 'fair use'. Section 107 has four factors to determine if something if of 'fair use'.

The four factors are:

1. the purpose and chracter of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

2. the nature of the copyrighted work;

3. amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;

4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

If there is any doubt that you may not be using 'fair use' then you should always ask for permission of the copyright owner or contact an attorney.

There are many websites that provide the use of pictures under what is called a creative commons license. Creative Commons licenses are several copyright licenses that were released December 16, 2002 by Creative Commons, a U.S. non-profit corporation founded in 2001.
Many of the licences, notably all the original licences, grant certain "baseline rights", such as the right to distribute the copyrighted work without changes, at no charge. Some of the newer licences do not grant these rights.

There are many other licensing available. Here is a list:

  • Attribution (by): Permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based upon it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.

  • Noncommercial or NonCommercial (nc): Permit others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based upon it only for noncommercial purposes.

  • No Derivative Works or NoDerivs (nd): Permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based upon it.

  • ShareAlike (sa): Permit others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work. (See also copyleft.)

I posted on Peg and Josh's blogs.

Friday, April 13, 2007

#3 The Website

I am in the mainstream of processing my website. I have steadily begun to code and create it. I have most of the main page done.

I am building my website for my future students. I am creating the website as an interactive media class website. My content is about the class, Webquest, Students, and About Instructor. Everything is based for my students, their teachers, and my school administrators. This is a way for the parents to keep track of anything going on in the classroom. The students can pull up their assignments at any time or look at what is coming up in their class. My administrators can see what I am doing in the class and keep track of the class.

I want the look of my website to be clean but also fun and interactive. There are a few extras I plan on adding to the website, but I want to get those done and look at them before I actually add them in. I'll give you a sneak peek at one of my design pictures

The biggest challenge that I have come across was the actual look of my website. There was a certain look I was going for. So I just kept looking at different websites and researching what I liked and what I did not like. I also found some websites that were dedicated to giving awards out to the best websites. I read some articles about what works on a website and what does not. Here are some links to some of the things that I looked at.

Cool Websites

Web Page Designers

Cool homepages

Webby Awards


I posted on Janet and Josh's blogs.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

#2 Favorite Websites

There are several websites that I go to daily.

One of them is People. This is one of my favorite websites because it is very readable. I love this website because the layout is fun, big, and organized. When you first see the website it might look chaotic. It looks as if the website is created in tables without borders. The pictures that you see on the website are usually of celebrities. When you see the picture you will instantly know what the content of that link will be. There is a nice global navigation at the top and then of course the site has links to different news stories, pictures and miscellaneous things.

My second favorite website is Digg. Digg is all about user powered content. You join what is called an online community. People in this online community will share information on different subjects. Digg is news based on anything and everything. It depends on what people have to share for that day. This website has a nice layout. There is a global navigation at the top of the website. There are also tabs to the popular stories of the day and upcoming stories. There are no graphics to the site, unless you click on one of the news story links. When you click on the links it will take you to different websites too. The thing I like about the website is that it is run by it's users and the users determine the material.

My third favorite website is the weather channel's website. This is a website I visit daily because I can look up the weather conditions at any time and it is up to date. This website has a global navigation at the top and the bottom of the website. It is very functional for the layout and is quite readable as well. The pictures are of weather maps and you can see pretty much what the weather is like. It is interesting because they will also post health details. For example, when it comes to allergy season, they will post what the allergen levels are in your particular area. The website also helps with when you are planning on traveling somewhere. They will give you up to date information so you know what it will be like.

The most important thing for me in my favorite websites is that it is readable, and I will be able to tell what the content is.

I posted on Tia and Kern's blogs.