Monday, May 21, 2007

#7 Videos

Alright, so we're talking about videos here....well I visit lots of sites that contain video, but they seem to be about the same stuff.

So I am trying to branch out, and see what I can find...hold on while I search for some...

The first website is one I actually visit often, and that is This is where I can catch what is coming up in tv. I can figure out what is going to be good enough to see and what isn't worth watching. Plus, if I happen to miss a favorite show, I can pop into the watercooler and check out what happened. The videos on the home page work well. They often have previews of what is happening on tv that night. For example, they have a Heroes video showing about the season finale episode for tonight.

...ok back to more searching...

Alright, so I found a really great website called This website has episodes of some of the greatest tv shows out there. Past and Present. For example, one of my favorite shows in the early 90's was a show called Dinosaurs. It was a hysterical tv show that gave great lines such as, "Not the Mamma!" At this website I can see most to all of the episodes of television shows. This website works well with the videos because, the entire website is dedicated to videos. The one thing that I don't like is that some of the quality of the video is not that great, but at the same time is completely doable.

Finally, the third website that I found is Xbox. I am a Xbox gaming freak!!! I love playing Gears of War, Guitar Hero II, Halo 1, Halo 2 and finally on Tuesday, September 25---HALO 3!!!!! Sorry I can't contain my excitement, I have been waiting for this one for a very long time!!

So this website is from the main Microsoft Xbox website. This portion of the website is dedicated to videos. I really like this one because I can watch trailers, commercials, and videos on the making of the games. I love being able to see the videos because as a gamer, I am just completely in aw of how they do these games, better yet, how they come up with the games. The website works well with the videos because they give you a number of options on how to watch the videos, as well as the content of the videos. This website is not appealing to all people, it mostly appeals to gamers.
So there are the three websites that I found that have videos. I guess I do use website with video more then I is never ending in the cyber world!
I posted on Peg and Bryce's blogs.


Kern.213 said...

Thats cool you love Halo. Not much girls do. I've been playing Halo 3 for a week now. Did you get the Beta? It is so sweet. My gamertag is whitewing91 if you ever wanna hit something up.

t said...

Ha! Dinosaurs was a crazy show. I wonder why there aren't more prehistoric puppets in prime time these days...