Tuesday, May 29, 2007

#9 Understanding the Mind of a Web Designer

What a quarter this has been!!!! It has been extremely stressful, painful, but yet exciting to see the development of my website.

I have to say that this is the best one I have done. I wanted to try some new things, such as CSS. It was quite intense for me because I had never tried it, but once I got some tutorials behind me, I was quite happy with what I could do.

Throughout this course, I have come to a better understanding of the many opportunities we have as teachers. The web has such a vast variety of things for us to use and resources to learn from. I want to get out and teach right away because of the excitement I have for all of this stuff. The particular class I want to teach is Interactive Media. This particular course has the students learning competencies in web design, audio/video, photography, desktop publishing, and much more. This course has given me the confidence, that extra little boost needed to realize that I CAN do this. I WANT to do this.

Overall, I have a deeper understanding of all the things this course has gone over; From basic web design, images, layouts, hyperlinks, videos, podcasts, to yes even general teaching practices.

I want to take the time to thank everyone of you have posted on my blog. I have enjoyed reading all your comments. I have taken to heart every little comment, and try and continue to produce things for you to read.

I recently read a really great quote about teachers, "A teacher effects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." -Henry Adams

So as each of us embarks on our journeys as teachers and other great things, remember all of us have something to offer, everyone is a teacher in their own respect. What we offer, will continue on through eternity.

Best Wishes to All!


KARL said...

The CSS is something I would like to know more about too.

Scott Connor said...

I definitely agree about the interactive media part. Podcasts, movies, etc...all things I would love to incorporate into my classroom.

Kern.213 said...

Good luck with your future teaching career. Keep up your website skills and Keep on gaming.

Scott Laslo said...

Great blog and website. Good luck with your future teaching career